And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose. . Romans 8:28


For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 / KJV
Jesus is our soon coming King
James 5:8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."

Friday, January 8, 2010


Tommy Ray (was sucking up so he could have a sleepover with my mom) wrote the sweetest thing to me today during school. He has been practicing his 'an' 'at' and 'ig' words, but also learning how to make sentences with them. He has mastered these types of sentences.

"The cat is fat. The man is big. The cat can dig. The pig has a wig." .. you get the idea. Well, I wrote some sentences out for him to fill in the blank. They went like this

1. Pappy can dig.

2. Daddy has a wig.

3. Hannah has a cat

4. Mommy is (blank)

5. Nangy has a pan.

for mine he said laughing "Fat" .. almost. He said it halfway, looked up at me, reached up and rubbed my cheek and said :"love, I want to write mommy is love." My kids are amazing. I do not deserve such blessings, let me tell you.

Well, I am getting back to why I came here in the first place :). As you may already know, we are in the middle of a Busy Beauties blog Hop! If you did NOT know had have NOT hopped, here is your chance!!! Go here to read all about it and start hopping for your chance to win!!!

I want to share with you the card I created using the Busy Beauties image Kissy Kissy . I just LOVE this image. Isn't it just so sweet?!?! I had so much fun creating with it. I got the papers last year at the target buck bin. I love them!!! They are almost gone (sigh). I used the sketch at Sweet Sketch Wednesday for this card.

I am off to make myself another cup of coffee and chill before I start washing sheets, mopping and all that wonderful stuff. Have a beautiful and blessed day. Happy weekend!!! :o)


  1. Aw! What a sweet story and what an adorable card! Love your coloring and gotta love paper that pretty and inexpensive! So cute!

  2. Cute story--kids are the greatest!! Cute card too!! Thanks for sharing your creative talent with us, the hop is really fun so far! :)

  3. awwww what a cute little man you have!! that's adorable. and I love your card girl! it's perfect. that image is one of my favs from the hop!

  4. Heather, Cute image for your blog hop. Wow, you are a busy gal! Your card turned out great. Thanks for using the SSW sketch. We always enjoy having you play along. Just wanted to let you know I had so much fun with your image for next weeks sponsorship! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Heather, It was so fun to you play along. Such a cute images. Love the yummy colors. Cant wait to have the fun cards showcased for next week. Thanks for playing along @SSW!!!

  6. Heather, you just hae to love the dollar bin at Target. I have to look there frist thing when I go in the store. Youor card is adorable and what a sweet image. We appreciate you so much and love yuor images. Thanks for playing!

  7. How SWEET!!! I have to agree with Tommy Ray...I think Heather (aka: Mommy) means love too:o) Your cards are always so very beautiful, and this one is no exception. I am also in love with these gorgeous colors!!! Man, I wish our Target carried such beautiful papers in their Dollar Spot. There are always lots of socks in ours:o( Hope you are enjoying your quiet time with hubby!!!

    Love you!!!

  8. Oh Heather, this is just divine. I just love this image, it could be used for so many different occasions. It is so beautifully coloured and I love your colour combination, absolutely gorgeous.
    Thank you for all your lovely, supportive messages on my blog, you are very special.
    Have a lovely day.
    Love Sandra xxx

  9. Your son is so sweet, Heather - that was a cute story. They are just so sweet and innocent at that age; so precious...blessings, I know! ;D

  10. Fabulous card Heather!! I love the sweet image & yummy colors!! Thanks for joining us this week at Sweet Sketch Wednesday!!


  11. What a beautiful card Heather! Thanks for joining us at SSW this week!

  12. Out of the mouths of babes, as they say right?!!

    Great image and a great job with this weeks sketch!

    Thanks for joining us at SSW and for sponsoring us!

    Peace & Luv,


Thank you for your comments
they make me SMILE :D
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs3: 5,6

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